My Adventures in the Foreign Lands

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Lessons Learned

I have learned two important lessons in the past few days which will serve me very well in future days in India. The first is to always be assertive. This really means saying, "no!" with an strong tone even when you think you could be nice about it. Example A: When you host is about to place a fourth helping of rice on your banana leaf. You want to be polite and say "no, thank you, but it was very delicious." Cut the niceness. Say the magic word and put your hand over your leaf so he or she cannot place any more on it without dumping the stuff onto you. This also works for dealing with rickshaw drivers. Example B: When your rickshaw driver pulls over for gas and begs for "rupees for petrol," do not give in! I was asked for 200 rupees when the total was around fifty. I didn't give any- it's better that way. Just say, "no!" and stick to your guns.
The second lesson I learned was to never fill up on the first round of food at a restaurant. When someone orders for the table, it means a lot is coming. I always make the mistake of filling up on the first course because there is usually so much I couldn't imagine any more coming. Wrong! I went out to a late dinner with six others a few nights ago. One guy prdered for everyone and there was a Thanksgiving feast at this casual Chettinad restaurant. Chettinad is a form of cooking that relies heavily on spicy non-veg. I like it! Anyway, I was enjoying biryani, chicken tikka, idlis, chutney, sambar, curry, vegetable stew, and two meat stews, when more came! I had to try to force down chapati and tandoor chicken on top of everything else. That is also a prime example of being assertive in saying, "no!" Indians hate food going to waste, so anything left on the table when everyone is finished will be forced into the mouths of those who don't eat it often. Unfortunately, I am one of those victims. Luckily, I am not curried out. I could still go for Indian three meals a day for the next week maybe, then I would need a break.
Last night I discovered an amazing cafe on the fancy shopping street. It is mostly outdoor (don't know what they do when it rains). The seats range from beds to low-slung chairs, to Moroccan-style booths with fancy pillows, to high wooden stools. I was by myself and only needed a pick-me-up. The menu is huge! They've got everything from Starbucks-style coffee drinks to Kit Kat milkshakes to tapas to paninis to- get this- pancakes!!! I think I may try them tomorrow morning. For a dollar, it is hard to resist trying all the Western breakfast items they have. It is so relaxed, yet so trendy, with a rectangle pond and stream running through the middle. There is even a small shop in a hut that sells jewelry and shirts. I love it and could go back every day to try somehting new. I'm guessing it is best at night because they have fancy colorful lights which double as mosquito repellant. The place is fabulously cheap- part of the appeal!

Other than that discovery, I haven't been up to much. I have been going to the O and hanging with the kids, so much so that I have lice, yet again. Sarah and Katrina did, as well. They thought they didn't all along, but they must have had it for a long time because each of their heads was majorly infested! I don't think I had too many, but now my lice shampoo will have to become a weekly thing to keep them at bay.

I am taking tomorrow off to catch up on some sleep (last night I got sick...ugh) and hit up the spa where I can get an hour-long massage for about the price of a jar of peanut butter at the local international grocery store. What a comparison, huh?


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