Still at Home
Hello Friends and Family! This is my very first blog entry. I have set this up to allow you to follow my adventures as I traipse through India and Thailand. My plans thus far are this: On Monday, August 28, I will fly to Milan. From there (after a three-hour layover and numerous gelatos) I will fly to Mumbai (Bombay), India. I am spending the night in Mumbai and the next morning I am flying to Chennai (once known as Madras)- the capitol of Tamil nadu, India's southeastern state where I will be living. Now, Chennai is not my final destination. After I arrive, I have a 14-16 hour drive- practically due south- to Kanyakumari, the southermost tip of India. India is shaped like an upside-down triangle. On a map, Kanyakumari is the black dot at the absolute bottom of the country. Its claim to fame besides being a pilgrimage for Hindus is "where the three seas meet and mingle." The Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean all come together here. I am really looking forward to the view...and the beach! I am imagining a city rich with history, Hindu temples and statues, resorts, and Indian tourists. It should be quite interesting. More about how my predictions play out later. For now, I am passing my last few days eating meat and playing on the computer. How very North American of me.
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